No one can predict your future. But we can protect it.

With Carré Assurances, find the best coverage at the best price.


You make the most of competition between insurers while enjoying a long-term relationship with your one-stop-shop, CARRÉ ASSURANCES.


You can be sure of fast and reliable assistance in any situation.


You are guaranteed that we are independent and objective – the only interests we look after are yours.

Nous avons déménagé! Nouvelle adresse: 10, Munnereferstrooss L-5730 Frisange (Aspelt)

We have moved! New address: 10, Munnereferstrooss L-5730 Frisange (Aspelt)

Wir sind umgezogen! Neue Adresse: 10, Munnereferstrooss L-5730 Frisange (Aspelt)

National and international partners

Backed by its expertise and its partnerships with major national and international insurers, Carré Assurances negotiates exclusive coverage for you.

Partenaire luxembourgeois Foyer


Partenaire luxembourgeois La Luxembourgeoise


Partenaire luxembourgeois Baloise


Partenaire luxembourgeois AXA


Partenaire international Affiliated FM

Grands risques

Partenaire international AIG Europe

RC Professionelle, D&O et grands risques

Partenaire specialisé HISOX

Objects d’arts, véhicule de collection et résidences de prestige

Partenaire specialisé DKV

Complémentaire Santé

What do you need ?

Carré Assurances offers you the services you need.


Discover the best rates on the market according to the characteristics of your vehicle.


Take advantage to insure your accommodation and personal property under the best conditions.


For additional health insurance and coverage of your costs not reimbursed by social security, we have interesting packages to offer you.


Build up additional capital for your retirement, in order to guarantee your standard of living.


Insure your loved ones and yourself with combined disability and death policies.


Enjoy your vacation while having coverage in the event of a problem related to your trip for the reimbursement of your expenses incurred as well as repatriation in the event of accident or illness.


Protect your buildings against all risks, in order to insure your investments.

RC professional

Insure your professional and operating liability with our à la carte formulas, in order to guarantee you the best coverage.

RC dirigeant

Protect yourself against your liabilities incurred in the exercise of your mandate and protect your assets.

All site risks

Coverage of the contracting authority and all persons contributing to the execution of the work by a single contract.

RC décennale

Insure your building after delivery with suitable cover, in order to guarantee the durability of the building in the event of a problem (large structures and small structures).

Vehicle fleets

“Tailor-made” contracts, tailored to your needs for your fleet of vehicles and construction machinery.

Breakage of machinery

An all-risk contract, which covers you against internal damage to your construction and production machinery.

How does our service work?

Our approach

1. Risk Management

We begin by auditing your activity and align our coverage recommendations to the risk associated with your business.

2. Specifications

In order to meet your requirements, we draw up a specification document to offer the best possible protection against potential risks.

3. Call for Bids

We then look for the best terms from leading insurers and negotiate them.

4. Recommendations

We carefully analyse each insurer’s offer to provide you with a tailored insurance program for the best price.

5. Assistance

We offer you ongoing assistance with the multitude of insurance issues and take all the necessary steps in the event of a claim.

We are here, if you need us.

At your service to inform you.

Where to find us

CARRÉ ASSURANCES 10, Munnereferstrooss
L-5730 Aspelt

Contact 24/7

Jérôme Di Lorenzo | Phone +352 621 15 86 62

Direction and Office

Jérôme Di Lorenzo | Mail:  
Phone +352 26 12 11 20

Secretary | Mail :
Phone : +352 26 12 11 70

Agents and Sub-brokers

Céline Di Lorenzo | Mail :
Phone : +352 26 12 11 72               

Coralie Di Vincenzo | Mail : Phone : +352 26 12 11 74

Stéphanie Gori | Mail :
Phone : +352 26 12 11 70

Customers who trust us

Need quick help in the event of a crash?

Assistance 24H/24H - 7D/7D

Helpline AXA

Assistance Auto : +352 453055 Assistance Habitation : +352 453055

Helpline Baloise

Assistance Auto : +352 294141 Assistance Habitation : +352 294141

Helpline Foyer

Assistance Auto : +352 43743123 Assistance Habitation : +352 4374343

Helpline Lalux

Assistance Auto : +352 448888 Assistance Habitation : +352 448888

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